Teacher Training

Whether you are interested in training to become a teacher or a client seeking to expand your knowledge and skills, we offer a range of varied courses in GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® training.

For information on the full pathway to an instructor certification, please go to: www.gyrotonic.com/teacher-training

GYROTONIC® Level 1 Pre-training

14-16 and 21-23 July 2024
£240 Studio Fee
€1050 Course Fee
Pre- Trainer: Tommaso Di Battista

GYROKINESIS® Level 1 Pre-Training

4-6 and 18-20 August 2024 
£240 Studio Fee
€1050 Course Fee
Pre-Trainer: Tommaso Di Battista

GYROTONIC® Level 2 Programme 1 Pre-Training

20-22 September 2024 
£120 Studio Fee
€525 Course Fee
Master Trainer: Dylan Elmore

GYROKINESIS® Apprentice Review

27-29 September 2024 
£120 Studio Fee
€525 Course Fee
Master Trainer: Dylan Elmore

If you are interested in a place on any of the courses above, please contact the respective course leaders or Studio Manager, Coley Renander:

Coley Renander – coley@kingscrossstudios.co.uk

Dylan Elmore – dylan@dylanelmore.com

Tommaso Di Battista – info@tommasodibattista.com